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  • What is de price of a 50 ways?
    The price is based on 2 standards: the price for the making + the price of 2m of fabric (1m body/1m lining). Fixed rates for the making are (incl. zipper and hardware details): -160 euro for the 50 ways classic or M -180 euro for the 50 ways cross -180 euro for the 50 ways classic or M with leather handles -200 euro for the 50 ways cross with leather handles Variable rates for the fabrics are: -from 20 euro/m up to 50 euro/m for body fabrics -from 15 euro/m up to 35 euro/m for lining fabrics
  • What is the difference between the 50 ways Classic and Dimples?
    The 50 ways Dimples is the answer to a more compact model. Equal amount of fabric is used, but the crease reaches to the handles wich gives a triangle shape instead of rectangular for the 50 ways Classic.
  • How long does it take to make a 50 ways?
    Hard to express in time, but easy to say I can't make it in one breath. Main steps are: cutting and overlocking the fabrics. making the handles, making the zip pocket, assembling. It's a matter of concentration. There are so many actions involved. Every bag is different in it's details and even for one bag I always change thread colour and needles through different steps. The assemblance is challenging because of the thickness of the layers.
  • What are the dimensions of a 50 ways?
    52x37x17 for the classic and cross. 52x30x17 for the M. dimensions are approximately because of the handwork and nature of the different facbrics.
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